Church Multiplication Pathway
Here is our advice as you look through these resources.
Take the time and energy required to discern the voice, leading, and calling of the Holy Spirit. This is the most important advice we can give.
Take your time, and work through one entire kit at a time. Avoid the temptation to fill your plate and then not finish anything.
Take a friend with you. Having another person to walk through the content with us is vital in making the information come to life in your context. Having a friend for the journey will also hold you accountable to glean as much wisdom as possible.
Take a break to practice what you have learned. Knowledge is good, but wisdom comes from exposure to new information and experience practicing what you have learned.
Create a Culture of Evangelism
We have a problem! Evangelism has become a taboo word, and confusion about evangelism has left the church with a lackluster approach to reaching the lost. There is a solution! We must be about the mission of Jesus: “to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10). That means we must revive evangelism. A church with a culture of evangelism will hold the Biblical values of evangelism, share the compelling narratives of evangelism, and live out the white-hot faith behaviors of an evangelistic church.
A few resources we recommend:
Evangelism Bootcamp
We have a problem! Evangelism has become a taboo word, and confusion about evangelism has left the church with a lackluster approach to reaching the lost.
There is a solution! We must be about the mission of Jesus: “to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10). That means we must revive evangelism in the hearts of the Christians in our congregation. A church with a culture of evangelism will hold the Biblical values of evangelism, share the compelling narratives of evangelism, and live out the white-hot faith behaviors of an evangelistic church. Hosting an Evangelism Boot Camp is a great way to activate your congregation, leadership, or staff for personal evangelism. This interactive, inspiring experience will equip Christians to engage in a natural approach to sharing their faith with their friends and family.
Please contact our team to receive more info about this boot camp opportunity.
Church Evangelism Institute Learning Cohort
Ministry is too important for you to feel unprepared. The world needs people like you to be all you were created to be! The Great Lakes Region (GLR) of the Wesleyan Church exists to support churches of every size and pastors in all contexts across over 2,700 zip codes. That is why we have created a two-year residency program. This program is designed to be an effective way of becoming fully equipped for a life of vocational ministry.
Through a two-year cohort process of monthly, two-hour in-person or virtual meetings with quarterly coaching calls and with year-end retreats, we train pastors how to revitalize their churches to become “conversion communities,” where unchurched and de-churched people come to faith and grow in their faith. CEI’s strategy is research-based and outcome-driven. And the research shows that churches successfully pursuing this simple equation or process become more effective at growing through reaching unchurched and de-churched people and are having a greater impact on their community.
Ministry is too important for you to feel unprepared. The world needs people like you to be all you were created to be! The Great Lakes Region (GLR) of the Wesleyan Church exists to support churches of every size and pastors in all contexts across over 2,700 zip codes. That is why we have created a two-year residency program. This program is designed to be an effective way of becoming fully equipped for a life of vocational ministry.
Everyday Missionaries by Ralph Moore
Leadership Evangelism: How Your Church Can Double In Three Years (or Less) by Rev. Brian Jones
Exponential’s 2023 - Interactive Workbook Series
Is evangelism a lost cause? Join us as we consider what it means to share the gospel with our friends, families, co-workers, and communities and how we can inspire others to increase their own capacity for evangelism. Each of the five workbooks in the Lost Cause series includes both instructional content from evangelism experts Dave Ferguson and Rick Richardson and reflection questions designed to help you think through your own understanding of the theory and practice of evangelism in your context.
MissionInsite is a comprehensive demographic database tool that equips church leaders with insightful information to help them understand how to impact their community (Jerusalem) and beyond (Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth) with the Gospel. MissionInsite has been providing solutions to churches and regional agencies for over 13 years. Today, they serve over 107,000 faith-based organizations and 175 national and regional church agencies across 20 denominations. Their tool integrates multiple premier data sources including Epsilon, Experian, and Synergos, among other quality demographic research studies. Their data is updated twice per year to provide churches with the most accurate demographic trends and changes possible. ​ The Great Lakes Region of The Wesleyan Church is proud to make this resource available for FREE to all of our churches in Wisconsin, Michigan and Illinois.
Church Mobilization Culture Assessment
This unique tool is still in beta form. However, discover your church's mobilization capacity with this FREE assessment.
Purple Fish: Crucial Conversations on Evangelism
Mark O. Wilson and his guests will offer fresh, new approaches for sharing Christ with others, especially for those who feel inadequate and intimidated by witnessing. Purple Fish shows how it can be a delightful adventure of faith, filling your own soul in the process.
Spirit Anointed Leadership Podcast
Whether you recognize it or not, you are constantly influencing and leading the people around you. But the real question is, what kind of leader are you? In order to see and experience the “exceedingly abundant fruit” Jesus wants to offer us, it is crucial we learn how to lead from a Spirit Anointed place.
Mobilizing Disciple Makers course with Groundswell
In this 6-session cohort, you will learn the marks of a disciple-making church and the steps necessary to create a strategic, comprehensive, and clear discipleship pathway. In addition, this cohort will help pastors move from blueprint to construction. This cohort is ideal for pastors interested in building a disciple-making process in their church.
Live Sent
Discover Your Calling course with Groundswell
Is God stirring your heart for ministry beyond the walls of the physical church? In this 5-session course, you will learn how to discover your calling and effectively discern the voice of God in your life and ministry. Jesus told his disciples in John 20:21, “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” It's time to discover your calling and “live sent.”
Mobilizing Marketplace Multipliers course with Groundswell
In this 4-session training, chapter leaders will receive everything they need to LAUNCH a new Marketplace Multipliers chapter. This course is ideal for leaders seeking practical training on disciple-making and mobilization. In addition to this online platform, we also provide opportunities for coaching.

The Ministerial Development Journey,
is for those who have an overwhelming desire to serve God at a deeper level in a vocational or bi-vocational role. Their spiritual gifts and talents have been placed in them for the purpose of being unleashed by the Holy Spirit as a Kingdom worker into the world. God has blessed them with a heart for a specific ministry, and the call to serve has been affirmed by those around them.
Ministry Residency
Ministry is too important for you to feel unprepared. The world needs people like you to be all you were created to be! The Great Lakes Region (GLR) of the Wesleyan Church exists to support churches of every size and pastors in all contexts across over 2,700 zip codes. That is why we have created a two-year residency program. This program is designed to be an effective way of becoming fully equipped for a life of vocational ministry.
Church Multiplication BOOT CAMP
Our Boot Camp is the best orientation and initial training for church planting, campusing and missional fresh expressions. Boot Camps are offered to you 3-4 times a year and offer participants practical principal-based steps to launching a missional movement. For more information about training for church planters. Please take a moment and send us an email. We look forward to serving you.
Auxano Multipliers Journey Co::LAB
The Multipliers Journey is a six-month coaching/consulting process that equips churches with a "how-to" toolbox for multiplying. The MJ process is built around five phases designed to take you on a journey to reproduction (adding sites and churches) and multiplication (making disciples who make disciples, that plant churches that plant churches, to the fourth generation and beyond. At the end of the MJ process, you will fill your toolbox with practical tools for moving from addition to multiplication. This toolbox will include a multiplication target, culture, scorecard, plan, and implementation system design to help you level up. Regardless of your level, you can experience the revolutionary breakthrough needed for 100X multiplication. Please email us to set up a quick 30-minute coaching call.
Resource Kits
As a multiplying leader, you will naturally desire to know all you can so you can do all you can. To fuel this desire for wisdom and growth, we encourage you to dive into the resource kits our friends at Exponential have provided. We can not stress enough how valuable and diverse this collection of free resources is.