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Image by Priscilla Du Preez


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Are you desiring to grow and learn how to plant a multiplying church?

A church planting residency is an immersion program designed to prepare a church planter to effectively launch a life-giving and multiplying church.


A church planting residency experience will allow a future church planter to experience and discern the Holy Spirit's leading in their life.  As well as learn practical ministry skills and be exposed to the inner workings of a strong mission-driven church.

Church Planting

Throughout the residency experience, developing church planters will have the opportunity to hear from God, refine their new church vision, build a strong team, raise the resources they need, and develop the strategies and systems necessary to pull the new church together when they are fully sent on to their mission.

We have multiple church planting residency options (including a virtual residency) throughout Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin that will help you move from thinking about planting a church to actually starting a new church. Simply fill out this Interest Form, and our team will connect with you and help you find the right residency.      

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