Starting new churches is an adventure that is reaching people far from God with the life-giving message of Jesus Christ. The Great Lakes Region (GLR) of The Wesleyan Church is committed to discovering, developing, and deploying church planters, so the adventure is far less lonely, and the mission becomes more effective together.

We are a network of networks, focused on not just building relationships, but on the kind of relationships that are creative and collaborative, so you can be connected with those of similar philosophy and approach to starting a church, that can help you start new churches over and over again. There’s more than one way to start a church. Because of this, we are committed to connecting you to the resources and people that are starting churches in the way you find yourself drawn to. Not every church fits every community, nor does every new church resource fit every church planter, so we help you find what fits you.
We are generous with our friends and we invest in family. We want to give away as much as we can to anyone who wants to see new churches start. For this reason, almost everything we offer is free of charge. When it comes time to invest dollars into new church starts, of course, we want to prioritize those who are a part of our family of churches, called The Wesleyan Church. We invite you to partner with us as a friend, and if you’re interested in finding family, we’d invite you to start that journey with us as well.

What We Do:
We help leaders discern their call to church planting.
We help church planters find the right training, coaching, and startup resources.
We help church planters find funding to fuel their mission.
We connect church planters to church planting networks.
We equip churches to send out new churches and fresh expressions of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We help all kinds of churches find ways to participate in the multiplication movement.

MultiplyGLR is an initiative of The Great Lakes Region (GLR) of The Wesleyan Church. We seek to be generous with our friends and invest in family. Find out more about the GLR family of multipliers.
Click the bottom of the picture to learn more.
Troy Evans
Jim Gulish
Troy Evans
Jim Gulish

What We Believe:
Church planting is the most effective evangelistic methodology to reach those missing from Christ and the Church.
Every man, woman, and child should have ready access to a church that is biblically based, doctrinally sound, and contextually appropriate.
It will take all kinds of churches to reach all kinds of people.
Every Christ-follower is a disciple-maker with a holy calling and vocation.
Prayer and obedience to the Holy Spirit is the bedrock of God’s mission on earth.
There are many ways to start a church, so we celebrate innovative and even atypical expressions of church.
Multiplication movements require local churches to take responsibility for raising up and parenting future church planting teams.
The healthiest church planting will happen in the context of relational networks.
Women and men leading in mission, from different racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds, are a demonstration of the power of the gospel.
The command of Jesus to make disciples of all people is intended for the church today as much as it was intended for the church in the first century.